Towards the guidelines: application of technologies, in neuro-motor rehabilitation, in order to improve psycho-cognitive skills


  • Federica Doronzo Università Telematica Pegaso Author
  • Guendalina Peconio Università degli Studi di Foggia Author



neuro-motor rehabilitation, cognition, emotion, technology


The adoption of technologies is gradually spreading in the health care system and generating new perspectives for the treatment of Nervous System disorders. In particular, beneficial effects cor-related to the use of new technologies are being experienced with neuro-motor rehabilitation: there is empirical evidence of improved cognition and motivation, as well as the development of positive emotions (Doronzo & Guarini, 2021). The purpose of the narrative review is to compare studies that concentrate on neuromotor rehabilitation to define the points in comunity and differences of these treatments that also induce positive outcomes on psycho-cognitive functions.
The present study starts from the results of the Rapid Evidence Assess-ment (REA) by Doronzo and Guarini (2021) focusing on the investigation of the cognitive, emotional, and motivational effects of motor development. This review targets patients with disabilities who have been treated through the use of new technologies for the purpose of neuromotor rehabilitation. The technologies adopted were divided into virtual reality, hybrid learning environments, augmented reality, and computer instrumentation serving telemedicine. In addition, a qualitative analysis of the REA papers was effected to categorize the common features and differences among the various treatments in order to define the factors that were shown to be decisive in inducing the ef-fects of neuromotor rehabilitation even on domains other than motor. It is hoped that guidelines for the im-plementation of effective rehabilitation interventions aimed at improving both motor function and motivation, cognition, and emotions can be realized in the future.


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How to Cite

Towards the guidelines: application of technologies, in neuro-motor rehabilitation, in order to improve psycho-cognitive skills. (2022). Medical Humanities & Medicina Narrativa - MHMN, 6(2), 159-174.